Sawyer robot's connection with Robotiq gripper


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Hi, I am a PhD. student in Northeastern University.

There is a 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper (It is from ROBOTIQ) in our lab, and my work now is to install this gripper on Sawyer to let Sawyer work together with this gripper to realize some pick and place tasks. 

My problem is that, if I want to install this gripper on Sawyer, what kind of specific hardware (something likes an adapter, a connector or so on) do I need?


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Hi i'm student bachelor degree

i'm just got the robotiq 2 hand E-gripper, i would like to ask How to connect the Sawyer robot with the robotiq gripper?  Have we find adapter to convert the TCP/IP signal from Sawyer into RS 485 signal? or in Intera 5.3 Ethernet IP, can we use it to send the Modbus RTU to controlled?  but i found that the robotiq have its own EDS files, can we import EDS to the Sawyer robot?

 i just begin to learn Sawyer robot, didn't know what is the EDS or EthernetIP 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Akira,

I wish I had an easy answer, but I haven't set one of these up before.  Some sort of TCP/IP to serial converter might work.  Regarding Ethernet IP (and the associated EDS files), Sawyer is an "adapter" which can talk to a "scanner" (which is often a PLC).  I think the Robotiq gripper might also be a scanner, so don't think that would work.

You might able to use the Universal Controller from Robotiq and communicate with it via TCP/IP messages to/from Sawyer.  The user manual for the gripper shows the strings that need to be sent to the controller for various commands starting on section 4.7.2

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  • 8 months later...

The links have changed in the past year. I think the new links are:

Robotiq Assets: Specifications.htm

The part number for the adapter is AGC-CPL-064-002. I'm looking into buying this to test on my Sawyer. I'll edit this post with an update later.

Remember that Sawyer's end-of-arm tool plate is ISO 9409-1-40-4-M6.

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