Gazebo Support?


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Is there a timeline on support for Sawyer simulation through Gazebo? I noticed there was a Rethink internship advertised earlier in the year with this listed as one of the tasks, hoping there has been some progress..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi Guys,

Is there any news regarding the Gazebo integration for Sawyer in Intera 5.2?
I'm currently working on a project that would really use the convenience of a Sawyer Simulator.

Please advise.



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Thanks Mike!

I'm having some trouble with the simulator, maybe I'm missing something?

  1. It seems the motion controller isn't starting with the sim? Is this something that needs to be explicitly launched? I can't see a /motion/motion_command topic, and when I try to move the joint position example it times out trying to connect with the motion controller server.
    • rosrun intera_examples -q -0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 -0.3 0.2 0.4 -s 0.9 -a 0.1 
      [ERROR] [1521112525.570134, 1038.170000]: Timed out waiting for Motion Controller Server to connect. Check your ROS networking  and/or reboot the robot. 
      [ERROR] [1521112526.200106, 1038.179000]: Trajectory FAILED to send
    • I've tried restarting the system, and checked that the robot is enabled. I can run other examples like the joint_torque_springs example, so it seems specific to the motion controller server.
  2. When I try to run the pick and place sim example, the robot is loading without a gripper, causing various errors. Is there someway to tell the sim that a gripper should be connected when loading?

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Hi Senaa,

1.  if you haven't followed this already, i suggest you go through the Gazebo Tutorial on InteraSDK. I followed this tutorial and i didn't seem to have any problem running the simulation.

2. if you want the simulation to load the gripper, you'll need to include the argument for the gripper when you run the simulation from the command line. launching the simulation lods it without the gripper by default.
roslaunch sawyer_gazebo sawyer_world.launch electric_gripper:=true
optionally, you can change the launch file to load the gripper by default.
find this line in sawyer_world.launch:
  <!-- These arguments load the electric grippers, for example electric_gripper:=true -->
  <arg name="electric_gripper" default="false"/>

and change "false" to "true".

hope that helped.


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Hi Senaa,

Please ignore my previous comment. i timed out while editing. Please refer to this reply.

unfortunately, i'm not sure how to help with the first problem. but i can help with the second problem.

if you want the simulation to load the gripper, you'll need to include the argument for the gripper when you run the simulation from the command line. launching the simulation loads it without the gripper by default.

roslaunch sawyer_gazebo sawyer_world.launch electric_gripper:=true

optionally, you can change the launch file to load the gripper by default.
find this line in sawyer_world.launch:
  <!-- These arguments load the electric grippers, for example electric_gripper:=true -->
  <arg name="electric_gripper" default="false"/>

and change "false" to "true". however, doing this would probably depend on what you want to achieve and do with the robot in the future.

if the pick and place example is still running errors, it would be worth checking you have the appropriate files for the electric gripper.

hope that helped.


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Thanks Luke, that fixed it! 

Not seeing a /motion/motion_command topic, but the pick and place example does work.. Still not able to run, same error messages as before.

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  • 3 weeks later...
44 minutes ago, Guru said:

Hi Everyone,

I've tried to use the Gazebo simulator and the example in the interaction control tutorial:

rosrun intera_examples -q 0 -0.8 0 1.6 0 0.8 0

I get the following error:

[ERROR] [1523018443.139539, 109.682000]: Timed out waiting for Motion Controller Server to connect. Check your ROS networking  and/or reboot the robot.
[ERROR] [1523018443.765130, 109.689000]: Trajectory FAILED to send!


However this example works:

rosrun intera_examples

Why doesn't this example work? Is the "Motion Control " and "Interaction Control" implemented on the simulated robot in Gazebo? If not, what functionality is implemented on both the physical robot and simulated robot in Gazebo? It would be nice to use the same code in both places.



I'm having a similar issue. The example: 

rosrun intera_examples -q 0 -0.8 0 1.6 0 0.8 0

doesn't seem to work for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
On 24.4.2018 at 18:07, Ian McMahon said:

Hi Guru,

That is correct - the Motion Controller is not simulated in Gazebo, as this uses the proprietary motion planner which only runs onboard the robot. Only the older Joint Command Modes are supported in simulation:

Hope this helps!

~ Ian

wtf. are your serious?

why does rethink not at least offer a "forward the calls to moveit" node or something?

only good thing is rethink and their product now went bankrupt. you really deserved it. what a relief for the rest of us poor engineers trying to work with this heap of ******

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Note, it's the newer examples which won't work, the pre 5.3.0 release examples should still work, so long as you use the 5.2.0 packages.

git checkout release-5.2.0 in the intera_common, intera_sdk, sawyer_robot, and sawyer_simulator packages.

catkin_make the workspace.

The simulator should work now.

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