C++ MoveIt Demo for Sawyer

Arunava Nag

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Some issues with moveit and sawyer. When i use the rviz gui, I can plan and get it to execute anything, it always shows failed. I have followed the tutorial here. I am attaching screen shots. 

In my terminal where I have launched the sawyer_moveit.launch I get these errors, where the motion libraries fail to make any plans. I don't see any reason for failure. However, if I move the robot manually and then update in my moveit rviz plugin it is able to get the new current state, which means it can communicate properly and also getting the right model.

[ INFO] [1505961916.667357671]: Planner configuration 'right_arm' will use planner 'geometric::RRTConnect'. Additional configuration parameters will be set when the planner is constructed.
[ WARN] [1505961916.667939775]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1505961916.668017335]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1505961916.668054340]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ WARN] [1505961916.668107652]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ WARN] [1505961916.668252780]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1505961916.668335750]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ERROR] [1505961916.668482475]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ERROR] [1505961916.668549402]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1505961916.668617261]: ParallelPlan::solve(): Unable to find solution by any of the threads in 0.000981 seconds
[ WARN] [1505961916.668731782]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ WARN] [1505961916.668761186]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1505961916.668789237]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ERROR] [1505961916.668858412]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1505961916.668881027]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1505961916.668905397]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1505961916.668963676]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1505961916.6690155
71]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1505961916.669040041]: ParallelPlan::solve(): Unable to find solution by any of the threads in 0.000321 seconds
[ WARN] [1505961916.669129654]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1505961916.669153470]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1505961916.669213097]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1505961916.669275733]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1505961916.669304528]: ParallelPlan::solve(): Unable to find solution by any of the threads in 0.000186 seconds
[ WARN] [1505961916.677427348]: Goal sampling thread never did any work.
[ INFO] [1505961916.677537430]: Unable to solve the planning problem
[ WARN] [1505961916.689782603]: Fail: ABORTED: No motion plan found. No execution attempted.
[ WARN] [1505961922.792857952]: Failed to fetch current robot state.



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Some more issues. I tried getting the sawyer joint values using moveit using the sawyer model.

I am using planning_context.launch and kinematics.yaml

i am thrown this error, it seems it can't find one joint:


core service [/rosout] found
process[get_joint_value-1]: started with pid [29586]
[ INFO] [1505987860.528420052]: Loading robot model 'sawyer'...
[ INFO] [1505987860.626946087]: Loading robot model 'sawyer'...
[ INFO] [1505987860.630467442]: Model frame: /base
[ INFO] [1505987860.630508969]: Joint right_j0: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1505987860.630531864]: Joint right_j1: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1505987860.630545672]: Joint right_j2: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1505987860.630561089]: Joint right_j3: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1505987860.630574145]: Joint right_j4: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1505987860.630591775]: Joint right_j5: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1505987860.630604603]: Joint right_j6: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1505987860.630668234]: Current state is valid
[ INFO] [1505987860.630685078]: Current state is valid
[ERROR] [1505987860.630718979]: Link 'r_wrist_roll_link' not found in model 'sawyer'
[get_joint_value-1] process has died [pid 29586, exit code -11, cmd /home/artc/catkin_ws/devel/lib/sawyer_interface/sw_node __name:=get_joint_value __log:=/home/artc/.ros/log/fe21adee-9eb1-11e7-8bb9-34e6d73f4508/get_joint_value-1.log].
log file: /home/artc/.ros/log/fe21adee-9eb1-11e7-8bb9-34e6d73f4508/get_joint_value-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete


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I have the same issue. The robot seems to be in constant self-collision. If you look at the collision space surrounding the screen, the spherical collision space around the screen appears to be permanently crossed with the insertion joint of the arm to the main body/mount. 

I'll be messing with Sawyer's SRDF / configuration to see if I can remedy the situation but this is unfortunate that the tutorials are broken out of the box :(

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