Cannot communicate to Sawyer ROS Interface

Arunava Nag

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I am having a Sawyer. My system is running ROS Kinetic in Ubuntu 16.04. 
I tried using the sh script, it ssh s myself inside how ever I cannot communicate with the ROS master. 
I tried using a virtual machine running ROS Indigo and Ubuntu 14.04. I still couldn't communicate to the ROS master. 
In all the cases i could ping the system from my workstation. Also in my SDK mode, it throws camera calibration error. I have attached a screenshot of that. 
Kindly help.

WhatsApp Image 2017-09-14 at 4.23.22 PM (1).jpeg

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Hi Arunava,

In addition, we will be contacting you off line in order to follow up on your issue as this is a potential hardware issue.

If any other users see this message, please email with details including the serial number of your robot.



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Hi Don,

Thanks for your response.

First of all, I have been using the google group for Baxter since 2015 and this forum is quite new to me. I have clicked on the notify me, however, it did not send me any notification of your responses. Sorry for the delay. 

Please find attached the version I am running.



The camera calibration issue is only visible in SDK mode and it's occasional, that is, I don't see it after every bootup. My distributor advised me to run the camera tests from FSM which I did and I got OK for both the results FYI.

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Hi Arunava,

I will continue to follow up with you off line regarding the camera issue, this may be a hardware error.

Regarding following the forum, unfortunately, you need to follow each individual topic if you want to see replies.  When you are following the forum, you will be notified of new posts but in order to see replies, you need to follow the specific topic.

Regarding the C++ question, I recommend creating a separate post.



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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 years later...

I'm currently running into a similar issue. I'm able to ping the robot, but when I run rostopic list, it hangs for a while before saying "ERROR: master node may not be running." similarly, when I try to enable the robot, it gives an error saying the master node is not running.

in my intera script, the robot_hostname is set to <serialnumber.local> which I can ping, and your_hostname is set to the IP of my computer.

any help would be really appreciated!

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