How to enable the Sawyer robot to automatically send HTTP requests to a server


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Hi all,

Is it possible to enable the Sawyer robot to automatically send HTTP requests to a remote server?

Currently, my idea is to connect a ubuntu OS to the Sawyer's internal server via SSH (no idea how to achieve this, please see my previous post), and then I can set a python script and execute this script via a crontab task to achieve this goal.

Do you think this idea could work or any other alternative approach that could work for this purpose?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


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Hi Yunxi,

I noticed that you posted this question twice and also posted it to the Using Intera section of the forum.  I have deleted the duplicate post as well as the post of the Using Intera forum as this is an SDK question and is unrelated to the Intera 5 user interface.  Please refrain from posting SDK questions to the Using Intera section of the forum.

Thank you,


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Thanks, Spear. Just new to Saywer robot, and have no clear clue whether the robot's internal server is related to SDK or Intera, as I thought the Intera Studio (web-based screen) was also related to the internal server, but not sure if the Intera Studio was related to Intera or SDK, that's why I post the same question on two sections. For the duplicate post, it was a total mistake, as I thought I was updating my old post.



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Hi Yunxi,

I just responded to your other post.  SSH access is not available with the Sawyer robot.

You can accomplish what you described by running the code on your workstation and sending the HTTP requests from there.  If this is something you want to keep running all the time, you may need a dedicated workstation that you can leave connected to the robot.



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Hi Don,

Thanks for your prompt answer.

According to your answer, do you mean, a workstation in an external Ubuntu OS always needs to be connected to the robot, so the workstation can collect the information from the robot and send these information to a remote server via HTTP requests?

In our current research project, we want to collect information such as the progress of all current tasks (e.g. all packing and unpacking tasks, and whether these tasks have been done or not) programmed in the robot. Is there a way that I can collect these information from the robot?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks


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Hi Yunxi,

My apologies, I may have misunderstood how you were planning to use the robot.  Are you using the manufacturing version of the software (Intera 5) or the SDK (Intera SDK).  Regardless, SSH access will not be available but it will change how you can work with the robot.

It sounds like you are planning to use the manufacturing version of the software.  If that is the case, the only way to export data from the robot is via Modbus TCP or TCP/IP communication to an external device.



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Hi Don,

Thanks for your response.

Honestly speaking, I don't see the clear difference between the manufacturing version and the SDK version. As far as I know, the SDK version is mainly used to control the robot to achieve tasks.

What is the manufacturing version mainly used for? Is it related to the functions on the Web-based interface (e.g. create, save, open tasks)?

To be more clear, I just raised a new post on this forum, and that is my main question.

Look forward to your answer.



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Hi Yunxi,

The SDK is not intended to be used to achieve tasks in manufacturing environments, the SDK is primarily used by universities in order to perform research and run custom ROS code on the robot.

The manufacturing side of the software (Intera 5) is used to train tasks that can be run in manufacturing facilities.

For more information about the differences, I recommend visiting the two links below that describe the SDK functionality and the Intera 5 functionality.

Intera 5: 




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Hi Don,

Thanks for your response.

Now I see the difference between the Intera 5 and the SDK. Honest speaking, I did go through the two main pages in the URL you provided. I think my confusion coming from the Intera Studio  (i.e. functions available on the web-based interface), which is a new feature available in the Sawyer robot.

At the moment, our research project is interested in how to collect useful information from the Intera Studio. So my question is if the Intera Studio is a part of the Intera 5 or SDK?




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