Example Programs and Custom Programs are not working.


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A new issue has risen. The issue is running the example programs, as none of the example programs work even after using the "enable" command.

$ rosrun intera_interface enable_robot.py -e

For example the " rosrun intera_examples joint_torque_springs.py " example does not move the robot to a "neutral pose" or even the " rosrun intera_examples camera_display.py " the terminal returns with

Initializing node... 
[WARN] [WallTime: 1484625635.265185] Timed out waiting for command acknowlegment...
[WARN] [WallTime: 1484625640.309822] Timed out waiting for node interface valid...
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1484625640.310784] Failed to stop right_hand_camera from streaming on this robot. Unable to start streaming from head_camera
[INFO] [WallTime: 1484625640.319965] Camera_display node running. Ctrl-c to quit

I am able to get the joint states but none of the example code work. Do you know why this happening?

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I am not too sure what the problem was, however, I connected the robot via router connection (as I previously had it as a direct connection) and enabled auto ethernet (in Unbuntu) and the examples seem to work now.

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  • 5 months later...


i'm new to ros sdk.  

i have a problem with the "enable". 

when i use the command:[ $ rosrun intera_interface enable_robot.py -e ]

i get the error: package 'intera-interface' not found. 


Did i fotgot something?

It is probably only a trifle.


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Hi Sina,

Make sure you have followed the instructions from the workstation setup guide: http://sdk.rethinkrobotics.com/intera/Workstation_Setup#Install_Intera_Robot_SDK

After you've downloaded all the SDK packages, run catkin_make and then re-source your environment by invoking ./intera.sh again. That will give you access to the intera_interface module.

Hope this helps!

~ Ian

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Hi Ian, 

thanks for your help! 

I followed the instructions and have checked everything again. 

Another problem is i can't set the Fixed Frame as /base.

I get this error:  Fixed Frame  No ft data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [base] does not exist.


The enable_robot works now and the example programm run as well without an error message but sawyer does not move. 

Do you have any idea? 


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Hi StuweXY, 

unfortunately i could not solve my problem yet.  I have run the command roswtf and get the following error:


ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't:

  • /rviz_1501573816403560019->/rosout (/rosout)
  • /base_to_world->/rviz_1501573816403560019 (/tf_static)
  • /robot_ref_publisher->/rviz_1501573816403560019 (/tf)
  • /ref_base_to_world->/rviz_1501573816403560019 (/tf_static)
  • /robot_state_publisher->/rviz_1501573816403560019 (/tf)


Does anyone else have an idea?  -- Thanks!

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  • 5 months later...

I'm having the following issue as well although the robot and the PC are connected via a router with auto ethernet enabled. What else might cause this?

On 1/17/2017 at 4:22 PM, Eash said:

A new issue has risen. The issue is running the example programs, as none of the example programs work even after using the "enable" command.

$ rosrun intera_interface enable_robot.py -e

For example the " rosrun intera_examples joint_torque_springs.py " example does not move the robot to a "neutral pose" or even the " rosrun intera_examples camera_display.py " the terminal returns with

Initializing node... 
[WARN] [WallTime: 1484625635.265185] Timed out waiting for command acknowlegment...
[WARN] [WallTime: 1484625640.309822] Timed out waiting for node interface valid...
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1484625640.310784] Failed to stop right_hand_camera from streaming on this robot. Unable to start streaming from head_camera
[INFO] [WallTime: 1484625640.319965] Camera_display node running. Ctrl-c to quit

I am able to get the joint states but none of the example code work. Do you know why this happening?


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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...


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