Sawyer and AR Track Alvar


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I've been trying to implement this and I've got the tags detecting but they are not aligned in the camera view on rviz.

My suspicion is that the camera_info is not being applied and using rqt_graph confirms this. The node /ar_track_alvar is subscribing to the topic /io/internal_camera/head_camera/image_raw but not to /io/internal_camera/head_camera/camera_info.

The camera_info topic appears to be correct and the rectified image looks correct.

I don't understand why this is the case, I've checked my launch file and the topic for the camera_info is correct, can somebody point me to some possible things I can test to try get this working.

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I've tried changing the camera_info topic to something that shouldn't work and it in fact doesn't work. I've also used topic_tools relay to relay the camera_info topic and that continues to detect markers so while my rqt_graph doesn't show a connection from .../camera_info to /ar_track_alvar I think it is?

I now believe that the calibration is wrong however rectified images do look accurate. How can I re-calibrate sawyers camera or at least check its calibration?

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