Inverse Kinematics


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Hi guys,


I am trying to use Inverse Kinematics for Sawyer, therefor I extended the script. I have problems with giving Sawyer more than one Cartesian position, so that Sawyer drives along a line or later on a circle. Is there any easy to implement way doing that?


Thanks for your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Moritz,

There are many ways to implement Cartesian trajectory following, but the easiest is to use the IK client. With the IK Client, you can supply the IK solver with multiple endpoint positions, and retrieve multiple joint angle arrays. What troubles are you having using multiple waypoints?

Alternatively, you can use the MoveIt interface to plan larger swaths of your Cartesian trajectory.


~ Ian

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Hi Ian,

thanks for your response. I tried to store the different Cartesian coordinates and orientations in a list and read them with the help of a loop. My problem was, that only the first position was executed and then the program stopped, but did not shut down. So I think my problem has something to do with the rospy shut down. Please let me know, if you need something like my script or a screen shot of the terminal. I think it is really hard to understand without any further information.

Best regards,


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