Sawyer connected to SDK, can read its position but it won't move


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I've been working through connecting a sawyer arm to ROS kinetic on an Ubuntu 16.04 PC. I've followed through the "workstation setup" and am on "hello robot". The pinging all works and rostopic list prints out as expected, as does the joint state printing function. But when I try running the example python programs no motion at all occurs, what could I be doing wrong? is there a hidden setting in the robot which needs changing to enable motion beyond the enabling already done by the earlier python script.


P.S. Also, after I've run ./, why does a yellow bracketed section appear in my terminals before the typing prompt? What does this mean, I am somehow logged in to the robot when typing those commands?


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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Followed all the instructions and when I get to the MoveIt tutorial and try to make a simple path, as soon as I press "Plan & Execute" the terminal shows me "Failed to validate trajectory".

They said I should fix the Robot time, but I don't know how to do this since I'm pretty much new at ROS.

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