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Just wanted to ask if anyone would be able to suggest a method of path planning for sawyer (both in application and in simulation).

There is no collision avoidance as of yet and is not yet necessary for what i'm trying to achieve. i just wanted to be able to dictate the path of the robot between two points (initial end-effector location and desired location, including end-effector orientation).

I know MoveIt does have a path planner but i'm not sure how to use it. To my understanding, MoveIt is able to plan a trajectory between two poses and execute the calculated trajectory, of course considering joint limits etc. I want to be able to determine a path just by inputting the xyz and normal of a point.

For example, I want to be able to move the end-effector to a surface (such as a a table surface) and have the end-effector's z-axis parallel to the normal of surface. Assuming that the xyz (global frame) of the table point is known, i want to be able to control sawyer to move from an arbitrary start point and move to the desired location with the desired orientation.

Because of what i need help with, can someone also provide an explanation for how inverse kinematics would work with sawyer? i know there is the IK Service example that involves ik_service_client and SolvePositionIK. But i dont really understand what is going on in that example nor what it does.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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